Well, I've promised before to give a brief recap of the previous period, so here it is :) . I'm gonna be brief and talk about the major events and periods. I'll start with the most important event, I call it :
"The First Visit"
"There he is...her Dad, should I call him Doctor !! or Uncle...or "3ammo" !!!...ok "3ammo" is fine. "...I shaked his hand, he was smiling very openly "Such a nice man" I thought.
I looked back and found my family just getting out of the car. I quickly introduced them to "3ammo" and then up the stairs we went. Her Mom was waiting for us in the top floor. "She's a nice lady" I thought. We were all introduced, she knew me of course, being the only young man there, and I met her brother, later came her sister,then THERE SHE WAS. Looking stunning "Masha2alla" , Wearing Orange stuff ...Yes that's her, Marwa... My now fiancee , I do remember that, cause that was my family's first visit to Marwa's house and the first time to meet her family. That's like one of the most important days of my life. Cause thanks Allah after that me and Marwa got engaged in August and we're looking forward to getting married soon. I thank Allah for that cause she's the best thing that ever happened in my life. God bless her.
To Be Continued...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I'm back, But...
I'm back, back after exactly 6 months from the last post, but I'm not really in the mood for writing anything right now. I work in Linux-Plus now, yea things have changed a lot since the last time I wrote. I'll try to give you a recap of what happened in the last 6 months. Right now all what you need to know is that.
I'm Back
Ohh and btw, It's Abd4llA now, not Neo .
Friday, May 25, 2007
My new SuperDuper gift
I was supposed to blog this 10 days ago or something, but I didn't cause I have exams these days. Well as you know I had my birthday on may 12th, and alot of things happened in that birthday :) and there was a major change that happened after that birthday. I'll tell you the before and after May 16th 2007.
Before , I used to think that the day consists of 13.45 hours only. And I used to count the minutes once every houre, so I used to think that minutes=hours but and they're used to make sure the hours timing is correct :) As for those nasty little seconds, I didn't know why the heck they are so short .

After that day, and thanks to my new Birthday Gift, the super duper brand new Swatch "Irony Chrono" that was a gift from my friends which should be properly introduced :
In The Red Corner, Please welcome:
The Mightyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ahmed Soliman Farghal
In The Blue Corner, Please welcome:
The Glorioussssssssssssssssssssssss
Hassanein Mohamed Hassanein
After I got that watch "which picture on the right" I knew that the shocking truth, The day is 24 hours !!!!! and at laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast I knew what are those nasty seconds used for :) and the
thing that I can never understand , is why does the watch changes time all the time !!! It's never the same time twice !!!! Do YOU BELIEVE THAT !!!! That lousy lier watch, and they think they can fool me with such a watch saying it worths more than 700 LE !!!!!
Anyway, I wanted to really thank them, for being true and lovely friends. Hassanein and Farghal, Thank you truly, This gift means a lot to me, I do love you my friends.
Before , I used to think that the day consists of 13.45 hours only. And I used to count the minutes once every houre, so I used to think that minutes=hours but and they're used to make sure the hours timing is correct :) As for those nasty little seconds, I didn't know why the heck they are so short .

After that day, and thanks to my new Birthday Gift, the super duper brand new Swatch "Irony Chrono" that was a gift from my friends which should be properly introduced :
In The Red Corner, Please welcome:
The Mightyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ahmed Soliman Farghal
In The Blue Corner, Please welcome:
The Glorioussssssssssssssssssssssss
Hassanein Mohamed Hassanein
After I got that watch "which picture on the right" I knew that the shocking truth, The day is 24 hours !!!!! and at laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast I knew what are those nasty seconds used for :) and the

Anyway, I wanted to really thank them, for being true and lovely friends. Hassanein and Farghal, Thank you truly, This gift means a lot to me, I do love you my friends.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
My Life..The Begining
I should have continued my previous post, about some days of my life, but today is my birthday. I'm 22 years old now, which is something not as pleasant as I thought it would be. I was born on May 15th 2007. So I'll take this chance to tell you about that rainy bloody black day I was born in.
Sun May 12, 1985 "Qowa Al Amn" Hospital, Al-Reyad, Saudi Arabia :
It's about 6:00 am I'm -30 minutes old :D They just changed half of my blood a week ago. I got born by an American doctor, who said the moment he saw me "Ohhh, very tall " :) I was born with a problem in my blood know as the "RH -ve" problem which simply means that my blood has anti-bodies that keep destroying the red blood cells . So they put me under continuous "Ultra-violet" ray to build my immunity system for two weeks , and regular visits for about two months.
That's a short scene from that day, after that I stayed in Saudi Arabia for eight years. Then I came back Egypt and stayed here ever since. Anyway, I have another day to share with you that's so related to my birthday, the day I became a Sun Certified Programmer for The Java 2 Platform SE 5.0 :P It's related to my birthday cause It was a day before it, It was 11th May, 2006 ... A year ago.

Thursday May 11, 2006 ITE- Mansoura about 12:00 pm :
I'm sitting in the prometric testing room, that smelly old room with three PCs only, one for the server and two for the examinees. I'm so nervous, my heart is trembling inside me and my knees are as jell-o. It's my first international exam ever and I'm taking it under very rough conditions, but finally I'm here. It's a new exam "the 1.5 edition" and I don't have a clue how it looks like cause I'm the first one to take it among the people I know, I didn't have time to finish my preparation, I'm here alone without my friends, I wasn't supposed to take this exam alone and I've 10 days left to my final college exams. Could it be any worse ?? Anyway, here it comes . "Allah please be with me, please Allah I don't wanna fail this one. Not this one. Allah you know how hard I studied for this one, Only you know " . The exam started and man it has a windows 3.1 like bad interface. I've 2 hrs 50 minutes to finish... 2 hrs 15 minutes later, I finished. It's over, I feel that I did well, I just hope it's not those false feelings that I have in college, that I did very well and then the results comes out the reverse . I take a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath, and goes out of the room to take my score sheet. It's being printed out. I can't waittttttt, I look at the paper eagerly and I see it, my score, my score in the SCJP 1.5 exam, my first international exam . I got 84%, El 7amdullela
Sun May 12, 1985 "Qowa Al Amn" Hospital, Al-Reyad, Saudi Arabia :
It's about 6:00 am I'm -30 minutes old :D They just changed half of my blood a week ago. I got born by an American doctor, who said the moment he saw me "Ohhh, very tall " :) I was born with a problem in my blood know as the "RH -ve" problem which simply means that my blood has anti-bodies that keep destroying the red blood cells . So they put me under continuous "Ultra-violet" ray to build my immunity system for two weeks , and regular visits for about two months.
That's a short scene from that day, after that I stayed in Saudi Arabia for eight years. Then I came back Egypt and stayed here ever since. Anyway, I have another day to share with you that's so related to my birthday, the day I became a Sun Certified Programmer for The Java 2 Platform SE 5.0 :P It's related to my birthday cause It was a day before it, It was 11th May, 2006 ... A year ago.

Thursday May 11, 2006 ITE- Mansoura about 12:00 pm :
I'm sitting in the prometric testing room, that smelly old room with three PCs only, one for the server and two for the examinees. I'm so nervous, my heart is trembling inside me and my knees are as jell-o. It's my first international exam ever and I'm taking it under very rough conditions, but finally I'm here. It's a new exam "the 1.5 edition" and I don't have a clue how it looks like cause I'm the first one to take it among the people I know, I didn't have time to finish my preparation, I'm here alone without my friends, I wasn't supposed to take this exam alone and I've 10 days left to my final college exams. Could it be any worse ?? Anyway, here it comes . "Allah please be with me, please Allah I don't wanna fail this one. Not this one. Allah you know how hard I studied for this one, Only you know " . The exam started and man it has a windows 3.1 like bad interface. I've 2 hrs 50 minutes to finish... 2 hrs 15 minutes later, I finished. It's over, I feel that I did well, I just hope it's not those false feelings that I have in college, that I did very well and then the results comes out the reverse . I take a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath, and goes out of the room to take my score sheet. It's being printed out. I can't waittttttt, I look at the paper eagerly and I see it, my score, my score in the SCJP 1.5 exam, my first international exam . I got 84%, El 7amdullela
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
My first, My world .
Well, what to say ? I dunno. This is my first post on this blog , and I guess the first post should always be an introduction about me, who am i? what do i do? bla bla bla, but I'll break this rule here. I'll take you directly to my world, and let the intro come later. So, I'll give you a "kick start" into my life. I'll start with a memorable day in my life, the day I became an RHCE .

Wednesday, 11 April 2007 about 10:45 am . Linux-Plus Students waiting room:
I'm sitting alone in the room, there's cake in front of me and I'm not in the mood of eating. I just finished the first part of the RHCE exam , troubleshooting, and i finished it in 20 minutes instead of the 2.5 hours it was supposed to take. I have a weird feeling, a feeling of pride, self-trust and satisfaction. I feel that I'm not as bad as I thought, and I'm thanking Allah every passing second for that. I look at the cake and I don't feel like eating. I'm too damn worried about the next part, the configuration and installation, and I'm too worried to over trust myself. The examiner told me that he'll prepare the extra questions so that I can increase my score with it. So I'm so excited about that also. Let's see if I'm gonna beat that bloody Linux ;) .
Wednesday, 20 minutes later at the same room:
I just finished that bloody extra question, damn that was tough, but I finished it. And I'm the only one who finished it so far. Again, I'm not as bad as I thought Thanks Allah.
Wednesday, 11 April 2007 about 8:00 pm . Ostaz Hamaam Restaurant-Masaken El Sheraton:
Wednesday, 4 hours later , City Stars:
It's about 11 pm now and there's been no word from red hat. They should have sent the mail by now. I'm in City Stars with Farghal, Ayman and Khalid. We tried a lot to access the wireless network inside City Stars but it's not working. So Ahmed The Great "farghal of course" volunteered to access the internet using his 4000 LE worth Sony Ericsson P910i "btw he wanna sell that one now for 2000 LE ;) " through GPRS. So it's the 1000 time now to check the mail and Nothing, no wait, Ahmed is looking at me in a different way, NO NO DON'T SAY IT..I'M NOT AN RHCEE "CONGRATULATIONS AHMED YOU'RE AN RHCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ' shouted Farghal ..WHAT ?? YOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I run and hug ahmed soooo hard "Damn I was gonna die in that " , hug ayman, hug khaliddddd, I was even gonna hug that girl passing by "who's gonna blame me ;) I'm an RHCE ....JUST KIDDING" .wow , thank you Allah, Thank you. I really can't believe that, I got 81% in the RHCT part, and GOD 100% in the RHCE part !!!! thank you Allah ,thank you. Wait a moment, what about Ayman? man he looks so worried, Ahmed is checking Ayman's mail, Why did it have to be a yahoo mail ?? it's soo damn slow on the GPRS !! Didn't you know that a day will come and you'll need to check your mail through GPRS to check your RHCE exam results :P. They invented Gmail specifically for a day like that ;) . It took us like 40 minutes to open it, and we're not in Cennabon inside City Stars. Ahmed opened it, and he said "Now there's an attachment, Ayman. So that means you've got something, the RHCT or the RHCE ". He sat beside me, and said "Ayman, RHCT results PASS, RHCE results NO PASS". For the first moment I thought he was joking, as usual, then I said it can be true, OHH NO, DON'T TELL ME IT'S TRUE !!! OHH GOD IT IS !!! I LOOK AT AYMAN, AHMED, AND I WAS SHOCKKKKKKKKKKKKED. OHH MY GOD..SAY SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING, "MABROOK YA 3AM AYMAAAAAAN, WE ISA '7EER MET3AWADA" ...THAT WAS SO LAME . MAN, I can't feel even happy for the RHCE I got. I can't tell you what happened next, but I was soo sad and everybody was, Ayman deserved the RHCE, but Allah wants something else, Allah knows better than all of. "I'M SORRY AYMAN, I'M SORRY BROTHER"
To be Continued......

Wednesday, 11 April 2007 about 10:45 am . Linux-Plus Students waiting room:
I'm sitting alone in the room, there's cake in front of me and I'm not in the mood of eating. I just finished the first part of the RHCE exam , troubleshooting, and i finished it in 20 minutes instead of the 2.5 hours it was supposed to take. I have a weird feeling, a feeling of pride, self-trust and satisfaction. I feel that I'm not as bad as I thought, and I'm thanking Allah every passing second for that. I look at the cake and I don't feel like eating. I'm too damn worried about the next part, the configuration and installation, and I'm too worried to over trust myself. The examiner told me that he'll prepare the extra questions so that I can increase my score with it. So I'm so excited about that also. Let's see if I'm gonna beat that bloody Linux ;) .
Wednesday, 20 minutes later at the same room:
I just finished that bloody extra question, damn that was tough, but I finished it. And I'm the only one who finished it so far. Again, I'm not as bad as I thought Thanks Allah.
Wednesday, 11 April 2007 about 8:00 pm . Ostaz Hamaam Restaurant-Masaken El Sheraton:
إحنا لسه مخلصين أكل....أكلنا كمية أكل وهمية. أنا و فرغل و أيمن...و الحمد لله لقينا "ريش ضاني" أخيرااااا :) .مش عايز أقولكم الواد فرغل أكل أد إيه :) ، والحمد لله اللي هيعزمو المرة دي أيمن . إلبسسس يا عم أيمن :) . أصل بصراحة لولا ربنا علينا و أحمد ما كنش الواحد حل كدا في الإمتحان .يا ترى الواحد هيقعد يعزمو أد إيه ؟ "و تظل الإجابة مجهولة" كلاها كام سنة كدة و ينسى إنشاء الله "آآآآمين" . بس الواحد أكل أكل. الجارسون جاي أهو عاشان يشييل الضحايا من أمام العدو. و ينظر طويلاااااااااا إلى ساحة المعركة "الطربيزة" فيرى جنكيز سليمان و قد تشلفط فمه و تناثرت أشلاء الخروف حوله.فليرحم الله هؤلاء الذين دفعوا أرواحهم في سبيل اللينكس . "و على صعيد آخر قامت القوات الإسرائيلية بتدمير مروحتين.....و تلات خرفان". أحمد عبد الله، من موقعة "أسناذ حمام"، مساكن الشيراتون، قطاع الأخبار
Wednesday, 4 hours later , City Stars:
It's about 11 pm now and there's been no word from red hat. They should have sent the mail by now. I'm in City Stars with Farghal, Ayman and Khalid. We tried a lot to access the wireless network inside City Stars but it's not working. So Ahmed The Great "farghal of course" volunteered to access the internet using his 4000 LE worth Sony Ericsson P910i "btw he wanna sell that one now for 2000 LE ;) " through GPRS. So it's the 1000 time now to check the mail and Nothing, no wait, Ahmed is looking at me in a different way, NO NO DON'T SAY IT..I'M NOT AN RHCEE "CONGRATULATIONS AHMED YOU'RE AN RHCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ' shouted Farghal ..WHAT ?? YOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I run and hug ahmed soooo hard "Damn I was gonna die in that " , hug ayman, hug khaliddddd, I was even gonna hug that girl passing by "who's gonna blame me ;) I'm an RHCE ....JUST KIDDING" .wow , thank you Allah, Thank you. I really can't believe that, I got 81% in the RHCT part, and GOD 100% in the RHCE part !!!! thank you Allah ,thank you. Wait a moment, what about Ayman? man he looks so worried, Ahmed is checking Ayman's mail, Why did it have to be a yahoo mail ?? it's soo damn slow on the GPRS !! Didn't you know that a day will come and you'll need to check your mail through GPRS to check your RHCE exam results :P. They invented Gmail specifically for a day like that ;) . It took us like 40 minutes to open it, and we're not in Cennabon inside City Stars. Ahmed opened it, and he said "Now there's an attachment, Ayman. So that means you've got something, the RHCT or the RHCE ". He sat beside me, and said "Ayman, RHCT results PASS, RHCE results NO PASS". For the first moment I thought he was joking, as usual, then I said it can be true, OHH NO, DON'T TELL ME IT'S TRUE !!! OHH GOD IT IS !!! I LOOK AT AYMAN, AHMED, AND I WAS SHOCKKKKKKKKKKKKED. OHH MY GOD..SAY SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING, "MABROOK YA 3AM AYMAAAAAAN, WE ISA '7EER MET3AWADA" ...THAT WAS SO LAME . MAN, I can't feel even happy for the RHCE I got. I can't tell you what happened next, but I was soo sad and everybody was, Ayman deserved the RHCE, but Allah wants something else, Allah knows better than all of. "I'M SORRY AYMAN, I'M SORRY BROTHER"
To be Continued......
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